Wednesday 17 April 2013

Hot Pot (Yes more food)!

I've been accused of being obsessed with food.  "Half of your posts/pics are about food ")  However it's the most common request I get.  So ...

Last night we went out for Hot Pot.  As you can see you get a "hot pot" and  bunch of plates of ingredients (beef, lamb, vegetables, noodles, etc) and you dip them in the pot with your chopsticks.

We went to a place called Little Goat, which apparently is a big chain and then even have them in Hong Kong.  There are two sides to the hot pot, one is spicey and one not.  Guess which is which.  When the server broght the pot she put the hot side next towards the Chinese side of the table.  Like is that racist or what???


  1. I think your focus on food is exactly right. Although I'm also interested in culture - music, movies etc. How much Western influence are you seeing? Hollywood? or is it mostly Chinese?

  2. I agree with the food focus...most excellent:) Really enjoying your Blog Ian:)
