Sunday 26 May 2013

Kunming (and food, of course)

Today (Sunday, my first full day in Kunming) I decided to chill and take it easy.  Due to the handy location of my hostel downtown, it is also close to all the bars, and therefore very noisy at night.  I was suspicious when they advertised "free earplugs" as one of the perks, and there were already a few sets in the room when I moved in.

After a nice lay in I walked down to "Green Lake Park", which is very beautiful, very green, and has a large lake.  Hence the name!

There were all kinds of activities going on all around the park - dancing, bands, drums - this troupe of little girls was the cutest.

I wandered around town in the scorching heat (it rained yesterday and last night but cleared up by noon) and took pictures of some building for all you architecture fans out there.

Chinese architecture is really quite spectacular.  These pictures don't do it justice at all.

And now Food, of course:

Last night I had Crossing the Bridge Noodles ("过桥米线"), the most famous local dish in all of Kunming.  It is served as a bowl of broth (with a thin film of oil to keep it warm) and a bunch of ingredients, which you mix yourself.

I had a version of this in Beijing, but it wasn't as good.  In fact here is a conversation I had with a fellow in Greek Lake Park this afternoon:

"You should try Crossing  Bridge Noodles."
"I did!  I had it for dinner last night.  In fact I had it when I was in Beijing."
"In Beijing it is not as good!"
"Yes I agree completely!"

Before I went  a walk in the park I dropped into a small noodle shop.  I picked it because the food looked good and the menu looked simple (am I a lazy tourist or what):

The two kids were staring at me the whole time I was eating.  The girl would keep telling  brother "Don't stare," but then they both kept staring.

It was another "do it yourself" meal.  The cooks would assemble a bowl of soup, noodles and beef, and there was a counter where you could add your own onions, mint, hot sauce etc.

I added a touch too much hot sauce but it was sooooo gooooooooddddddd!!!!!  Yum.

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