Sunday 24 February 2013

The Beijing Water Cube (水立方)

Ever wonder what happens to all those wonderful Olympic venues once the Olympics leaves town?

In Beijing the Water Cube (水立方) - site of all the Olympic competitive swimming events - has been transformed into the “Happy Magic Water Cube, Beijing Water Cube Water Park”.

According to anonymous Redditor "datnewnew":

I am doing a summer study program in China and I was there a week ago. It is awesome but I was not prepared for what I thought was going to be a normal water park. Me and two friends go in there and instantly hear loud music. That thing in the bottom left of the picture is a stage and there were live performances every hour or so. Then a clown or Chinese version of a clown came on a threw balloons into the crowd. They were the balloons that you would make balloon animals out of but he just blew them up a threw them in the crowd in the pool. People were fighting each other for balloons. I saw a man rip a balloon from a child and the child cried. I saw another man grab a balloon at the same time as another kid and yanked on it so it popped because if he couldn't have no one could. All of this was happening with leva's polka playing in the background. (I would add a youtube link but youtube is blocked in China god damn it) A little later an alarm went of and the pool became a wave pool and blaring techno music came on. The beat dropped and everyone started splashing in the pool to the beat. A pool conga line started. Then my friend told me to turn around and I saw everyone with their arms in the air doing the peace sign and waving their arms back and forth. One of the weirdest and best experiences of my life.
TL;DR: The Beijing water park is weird because China

I'm pumped!!!  水立方 is definitely on my itinerary for Beijing.

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