Saturday 5 October 2019

Day 6 Caldas de Reis to Pedron 19 km

95 km under our belts and 25 km to go!  Una dia mas!!!

Today was painful but not as bad as yesterday.  All my bits were hurting (feet, knees, etc) and between Sonya & I we are down to 13 toes.  Tonight we are in Padron, which is a small town but has an extensive collection of ancient artifacts (church from the 1500's etc) that we are much too tired to appreciate!  We had dinner in our Airbnb (chicken wings & salad) and are planning for an early 7:30 am start for our last day.

Some pics from today:

Today included a lot of trails, but also a lot of cobblestones!  This is the road out of Caldas de Reis in the morning.

Does anyone know what these plants are?  I thought maybe brussel sprouts at first, and Sonya said maybe kale, but I think we're both wrong.  It's a very common plant here!

More cobblestones!

Some random church along the way.

Here we are at km 34.390 stopping for a rest and a snack.  (Cookies with dark chocolate that I snuck into our grocery cart.  Sonya doesn't normally like buying snack food but now she sees the benefit!)  Interestingly we stopped at a pop-up cafe a couple of km back (at around the 37 km mark) that was advertised (and even had stamps that said) 34.584 km, but this was the closest to that distance and there was nothing around but trees and more trees.  So we stopped anyways.

More damn cobblestones!

Some factory off in the distance, punctuating the view.

Another church, just outside of Padron.

We THOUGHT we were walking into Padron, but it was a small town just before Padron that was placed there just to fool us.  We were still 2 km out at this point.

Tomorrow is our last day of Camino-ing.  We're hoping our various body parts hold up for one more day!  We have 2 nights in Santiago (a full day to recover and maybe get a pedicure (Sonya)) and then we've got a bus booked back to Porto.

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